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Meet Matt and Natalie

Get to know us, and find out how we can help. 

Matt Bigler

Natalie Bigler

My journey to coaching has been a result of my own profound personal experiences in recovery. I bring both passion and commitment to guiding individuals grappling with unwanted compulsive sexual behaviors. I empathize and genuinely comprehend the challenges and triumphs that accompany the journey of recovery. I have experienced the deepest fear and pain while feeling trapped, disconnected, and devoid of self-trust and self love. My struggles with being abused in childhood led me to seek self soothing in pornography and other compulsive sexual behaviors.  My deceit and active addiction continued for more than 30 years, culminating in ideations of self-harm and taking me to the brink of the destruction of my marriage and family. Through many miracles and the grace of a loving God, I was given the opportunity to choose into a 90-day inpatient rehabilitation program, marking the beginning of a foundation for real recovery, and the start of a brand new way of experiencing life.


On my path to self-discovery, wholeness, and healing, I was challenged to face my greatest fears and take risks to break through layers of destructive unconscious core beliefs. I was blessed with many incredible mentors along my path, who pointed out how I was showing up in life, and help me see  the results through the lens of self compassion.  I learned how to be 100 percent accountable for what I was creating with my most powerful tool--my ability to choose. This powerful process unlocked possibilities that helped me transform my life into one characterized by the courage to step into my personal power, trust, love, and to participate in the miraculous healing of my family. 


I bring this profound compassion and empathy to your experience; creating a non-judgmental, accepting, and safe environment for you to work through your most vulnerable challenges. By fostering awareness and laying out a step by step pathway to help you find this new way of being, I will lovingly and honestly support you while challenging you to courageously explore the constraining beliefs that bind you. As you are able to ground yourself in your true identity and purpose, you can begin to reconnect with your authentic self.  I strive to exemplify recovery in every action and will guide you to powerfully align with your values so you can live a full life characterized by love, honesty, accountability, transparency, and vulnerability.  I practice the principles that facilitated miraculous healing in my own relationships, and I can provide specific tools that will help you nurture your partner's or family's healing through relational connection and intimacy.


As an International Coaching Federation (IFC) trainee, I have devoted myself to full-time professional coaching and have an unwavering commitment to professional growth and always stretching myself to be better.  I have received extensive training in treating sexual addiction and compulsive behaviors, which includes over 2000 hours of live coaching experience. I have participated extensively  in training programs that have provided rich opportunities to develop my practical skills.  These  and my life's experiences qualify me to earn your trust and guide you on the transformational journey to your best life.  I bring to you my commitment to show up for you with my very best, and assist you to discover your own deep inner well of hope, joy, peace, and love in your unique healing path.

My journey to coaching was not what I planned. I have always thought of myself of a strong person who would have a happy and successful life,  but nothing could have prepared me for the indescribable pervasive pain and devastating impact that betrayal trauma would have in my life.  After years of unproductive efforts to help my spouse find a healing path, I felt totally broken.  I repeatedly experienced deceits and disclosures, emotional abuse and crushing hopelessness. I felt  destroyed, helpless to stop the pain that felt like a huge wall separating me from my own heart and my creative, life-giving center.  My heart was shattered so often that I wondered if it would ever be possible to put it back together. It felt like an endless cycle; I was tired; so very tired, and couldn't see a way out.


After a second lengthy separation for symptoms of compulsive lying, sexual addiction, treatment, and the intense physical challenges of an undiagnosed, disabling illness (while deeply grieving the loss of my stillborn baby girl), the grief and pain were so heavy that I felt leaving this existence was literally my last hope for relief.  Everything I loved was gone, and now even the tiny life I had been living for couldn't provide hope. I had turned the page to one of the longest and darkest chapters of my life. I forgot how to laugh, and I didn't have any more tears to cry, and yet they still fell sometimes, all night long. Somehow I was both numb and in excruciating pain. 


My path to self-discovery, wholeness and healing required a courage I had not yet found, and could have never summoned alone.  I'm sure God held me through that space, even when I didn't even believe he was still there. With the treatment came outside resources, and gentle teachers began to show up in my life. Something in me I thought was long dead began to stir from the dust.   I slowly and painfully re-learned to open myself to my own and others love. I found a way to believe I was worth enough to value my own healing and begin to unlearn the false beliefs about myself that had held me hostage to the pain.   Stepping into the most vulnerable spaces in my heart time after time proved to be the scariest, but most  rewarding thing I have ever risked doing.  But it brought with it tiny rewards like flecks of  gold as I began to recognized pieces of myself that could be renewed and transformed--and I wanted to find them all. 


I learned  who I was (and was not) at my core being.  I found within myself "an invincible summer"; a grounded way of being that held me fast to a foundation of self love, compassion and truth.  Experiencing that truth was the key to unlocking every new healing door.  All I had endured became just something to be felt and experienced, without having to create a story of what it said about me.  I finally understood what it meant to vulnerably connect with my heart, and  by so doing, trust myself again. I practiced a new way to see my partner--without judgement or expectation, and with the same compassion I now held for myself. I was able to show up in my power, holding a sacred space for my truth, with love.  I felt hope for the first time in a very long time, and was surprised when that hope breathed new life into myself and my relationships.


I  bring you that hope in the form of power that comes from a truthful way of being; living in alignment with values that can help create future you will love--no matter what.  I would be honored to walk with you on that path, and share this deep wisdom in a loving and supportive connected space.

Learn about how we can help transform your relationship with couples coaching.  Put together a unique blend of both of our perspectives and help to work through tough stuff. 

Putting It   

We are a dynamic husband-and-wife team, dedicated to guiding individuals towards healing, growth, and transformation. With a passion for helping others, we specialize in life and health coaching, particularly in the areas of betrayal trauma and sexual addiction recovery.​Drawing from our own personal heartbreaks and triumphs over 30 years of experience with sexual addiction, inpatient rehabilitation, decades of counseling, coaching, and program experience, we understand the complexities of these challenges intimately.  


Our jointly empathetic and compassionate approach allows us to connect deeply with both partners, fostering a safe and supportive space for healing and progress. We have a combined thousands of hours of professional life and addiction/betrayal trauma coaching, with thousands of hours helping clients in this space. Matt is currently enrolled as an Internationally Certified Coaching program, and Natalie is working toward a Board Certified Coaching program.certification trainees for IFC (International Coaching Federation) and BCC (Board Certified Coach) trainees. We are qualified with the tools to help you on this journey- and the ability to show you more options so YOU can choose the right path for you.  â€‹In our coaching practice, we provide flexible options to suit your individual needs and schedules. We offer both individual and couples coaching and group coaching. 


Whether it's addressing boundaries or communication issues, we will work collaboratively with you to identify and address the underlying issues, create safety,  and forge a unique plan to move forward, empowering you to reclaim your life- no matter what the outcome, and find a path towards wholeness and an joyful life.  A key aspect of our coaching philosophy is to inspire you to experience the truth about who you truly are, and help you break through beliefs that allow you to create the connection, love and attachment you deeply desire with your loved ones. â€‹


We believe you are way more powerful than you know, and through our personalized techniques and guidance, we can assist you in breaking free from limiting beliefs and empowering you to embrace creating your life from a positive, life-shifting space and perspective.   ​If you are seeking solutions to what seem to be insurmountable challenges in your life, they invite you to see the possibility for healing and a life that leads people to overcome betrayal trauma, conquer addiction, and experience  belief breakthrough on transformational level, we can be the compassionate guides your relationship needs on your journey to personal growth and healing.

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